“Putting Flexbox into Practice”
The Flexible Box Layout module, called “flexbox” for short, is the most fully developed and well supported of CSS3’s wide array of new techniques for creating page layouts. Web developers are itching to use it, and with good reason—flexbox allows you to create fluid, responsive layouts without having to worry about crazy percentage grid widths, negative margins, float drop, and all those pesky CSS layout quirks we’ve dealt with for over a decade.
It all sounds great, but how do you actually put it to use in the real world—today? In this session, you’ll learn when to use flexbox, what the browser-specific variants are, and how to use it to build responsive multi-column page layouts without the headache. Plus, for those of us who just want to dip a toe in for now, we’ll look at some practical ideas for how to use flexbox as progressive enhancement, adding it in bits and pieces on individual page components with graceful fallbacks.